The Organic Pharmacy Homeopathic Arnica Cocculus 30c Jet Lag Review

You are reading a review of The Organic Pharmacy Homeopathic Arnica Cocculus 30 c Jet Lag. The Organic Pharmacy company claims that their homeopathic product offers help to people with jet-lag problems. The product itself, when consumed, is an effective, gentle and a safe form of medicine, since it is made of a combination of natural ingredients which are all used for various conditions. If you are interested in this product, and want to find out more about the ingredients, we suggest that you keep on reading this review.




This product contains the following ingredients:

  • Arnica (Arnica Montana): Is a flower that has been used for many years as a homeopathic remedy for all types of physical trauma, especially the ones that affected the muscles. It has anti-inflammatory effects and stimulates the white blood cells to dissolve the congested blood.
  • Cocculus: Berries from this plant can be used for travel sickness, nausea and insomnia. In a combination with Arnica, It is particularly effective when it comes to jet-lag problems.
  • Rye Alcohol: This Alcohol is made from Rye, and it is organic, pure, and it doesn’t dry or irritate the skin.

Inactive ingredients:

  • Sucrose: This is basically sugar in its purest form, and it is used to carry the homeopathic ingredients in a form of a pill.


The manufacturer has recommended that  1 pill should be sucked, about one hour before the flight, and during the flight you should take 1 pill on every 4 hours, and 1 after the flight. The product is supposed to be taken 15 after the meal or if you had anything to drink.

Possible side effects

There are no recorded side effects of this product, however, the customer reviews are rare, but all the reviews we found were positive and no one was complaining about any kind of side effects.


On the company website, we have managed to find the price of $19.93 for a 14 g bottle. This is an acceptable price if the product does what the manufacturer claims.


The Organic Pharmacy company offers  a money back guarantee if you are for some reason, not satisfied with the product, and you can claim your money back if the product is returned to them no more than 7 days after the purchase. They will not give you your money back if the product is returned opened or without its original package, and if it is damaged. In our opinion, the return time is short, and the policy of not accepting the opened product makes the guarantee practically useless, and raises concerns regarding the effectiveness of the product.


The great thing about the The Organic Pharmacy Homeopathic Arnica Cocculus 30 c Jet Lag product is that it is made of natural ingredients, and if the manufacturer’s claims are true, it could be your solution for jet-lag problems. On the other hand, the lack of the customer reviews makes you wonder if the pills really work, and backing up that concern is their not so great guarantee offer.

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Vitafusion Sleep Well Gummy Vitamins Review

You are reading review of the Vitafusion Sleep Well Gummy Vitamins, 60 Count (Pack of 3). The Vitafusion company claims that this product is the first sleep support for adults, made in a form of a gummy. It is great when it comes to providing less time to fall asleep, prolonging the time of sleeping, and it can also help with jet-lag problems. If you have problems with falling a sleep, or you frequently travel and suffer from jet-lag, and you are interested in this product and its ingredients, then we suggest that you keep on reading this review.



This product contains:

  • Melatonin 3 mg
  • Passion Flower (Pasiflora Incarnata) 4:1 extract 4.3 mg
  • Chamomile Flower (Chamomilla Recutita) 4:1 extract 4.3 mg
  • Lemon Balm Leaf (Mellisa Officinalis) 4:1 extract 4 mg

Inactive ingredients:

  • Maltitol
  • Gelatin
  • Water
  • Beeswax, less than 2%
  • Color
  • Cirtic acid
  • Natural flavors
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Lactic acid
  • Cucralose


The manufacturer recommends that you take 2 gummy supplements 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed, but if you have consulted your doctor before you decided to use this product, it is recommended that you follow your doctors instructions. The gummy should be chewed well before swallowing it.

Possible side effects

There are no side effects stated by the manufacturer, they only stated that this product shouldn’t be used by pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, and by children who are under 16 years of age. However, we have done some research and red the customer reviews, and we found out that, in multiple cases, the prescribed dosage caused the users to have vivid dreams, wake up in the middle of the night and have problems with going back to sleep, and feeling tired in the morning. The reviews also claim that if you lower the dosage to only 1 gummy, the effects are exactly as the manufacturer has stated.


If you order this product from popular online retailer websites, you will pay $26.86 for a pack of 3. Comparing with other manufacturer prices, and judging by the customer reviews, this is a good offer, and it might be a good deal for you.


We were not able to find the official company guarantee policy, but it seems that this company does not sell their products directly to customers, but only trough licensed retailer. This means that the guarantee depends on the online retailer website you buy from, and that you have to find the retailer that offers the best terms.


The Vitafusion Sleep Well Gummy Vitamins can help you with your jet-lag problems as well as with some sleeping disorders. They taste good and are much more fun alternative to a pill. The problem with that is that it makes it very inviting for kids to ingest and it is clear this product is for adults. The safety of the product is therefore in question. The other downside might be the prescribed dosage, but lowering the dosage might fix the problem.

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Webber Naturals Melatonin Extra Strength Chocolate Mint Flavor Review

This is a review of the Webber Naturals Melatonin Extra Strength Chocolate Mint Flavor product. The Webber Naturals company claims that this product helps when it comes to restoring your natural sleep-wake cycle, provides better sleep quality, regulates circadian rhythms, because as we age, the sleep patterns can change. It is also great if you have problems with jet lag, sleep disorders, or if you work in shifts. If you have some of these problems, and you are interested in finding out more about this product, or its ingredients, we suggest that you keep on reading this review.


This product contains:

  • Non-animal Melatonin 5mg (per tablet)

Other inactive ingredients:

  • Lactose monohydrate
  • Microcrystalline cellulose, natural chocolate flavor
  • Peppermint flavor
  • Croscarmellose sodium
  • Vegetable grade magnesium stearate (lubricant)


The manufacturer stated that this product is for adult use only, and that you should take 1 or 2 tablets 30 to 45 minutes before you go to bed, put them under your tongue and let them dissolve. If you suffer from jet lag, you should take it while traveling, but they don’t say how much tablets and in what time intervals, which can be a bit disturbing, since you don’t know what is the right dosage, and to continue the use once you arrive at your destination, until you get used to that time zone. They also say that for all purposes, except jet lag, the product shouldn’t be used longer than 4 weeks, and that you should consult your doctor if after 4 weeks the symptoms are not getting better. The product is not meant to be used by pregnant women, as well as by women who are breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

The manufacturer claims that this product does not have side effects and that it is safe for use. However, we tried to find customer reviews, and there are very little of reviews. The ones we managed to find claims that the dosage is effective, but almost every customer review stated that the users had vivid dreams  while they were using this product.


On the company website, we were not able to find the price, and we found out that you cannot buy this product directly from the manufacturer, since they sell their products only through licensed retailers, and through online retailer websites. The product was not that easy to find on the popular retailer websites, but we did manage to find it on one, and the price is $8.69 for a 60 tablet bottle.


Since the manufacturer doesn’t sell this product directly to customers, they don’t offer a money back guarantee, meaning that you will have to find the online retailer website that offers the best money back guarantee. Most websites offer a 30 day money back guarantee for unopened returned products.


Judging by the manufacturer claims, the product is great if you have sleep disorder problems, or if frequent long distance travels cause you jet lag problems. On the other hand, since the customer reviews almost don’t exist, it raises the question regarding the quality and effectiveness of this product. Basically, our opinion is that this product might not be the right choice for you.

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Weleda Aurum 12x/Cardiodoron Review

This is a review of the Weleda Aurum 12x/Cardiodoron 30ml liquid product. The manufacturer claims that this product helps when it comes to jet lag problems caused by frequent long travels, as well as with sleep disorder problems caused by working in shifts. If you are looking for a solution for this kind of problem, and you are interested in this product, how it works and what it is made of, our suggestion is to continue reading this review.




1 g of this product contains:

  • Aurum met. praep. 12x, 500mg
  • Cardiodoron 500 mg in water/ethanol base. (1 g Cardiodoron contains: Digestion, equiv. fresh juice: Hyoscyamus Niger herb 4 mg, Onopordon Acanthium, flower 100 mg; Primula Veris, flower 100 mg)


The manufacturer recommended dosage is:

  • 5 drops for children under 7 years of age
  • 10 drops for children who are between 7 and 14 years of age
  • 15 drops for adult persons, 3 times daily, and at least 15 minutes before you have anything to eat.

For jet-lag problems, you should start using the product 2 days before the travel, and continue the recommended dosage 7 days after the travel. While traveling, you can use the product every two hours.

Possible side effects

There are no recorded side effects, and it’s pleasing to find near to no complaints in customer satisfaction reviews as well.  The manufacturer has stated that before you start using this product, and if you are taking some medication or have a medical condition, it would be best to first consult your doctor. Women who are pregnant or women who are breastfeeding should not use this product.


On the official company website, we found a price of $19.50 for a 30 ml bottle, and judging by the customer reviews, this is slightly above the average price for this kind of product.  If this product were able to boast a higher quality and much better results it may be worth the extra money but comparatively it seems rather equal to it’s competitors which means that you can find a less expensive product that is just as effective.


The money back policy of this company is actually bad, meaning that the company offers money back guarantee only if you receive the product you did not order, or if it is damaged in transport, and this only goes if you order from New Zealand, if you order from anywhere outside New Zealand, they don’t guarantee for anything.


The Weleda Aurum 12x/Cardiodoron 30 ml product seems like a good solution for jet-lag, and judging by all the positive customer reviews, it might be a good solution for you. It’s great that the dosage can be catered to age or weight without much worry.  The guarantee seems solid for those living in New Zealand but, if you don’t live in New Zealand, the company return policy gives the feeling that the product is just not worth the hassle, and that it might be a better solution to find a different company with better guarantee offer.

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Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments: Jet Lag

Jet lag happens when a mismatch happens between a person’s normal circadian rhythm and the routine changes that occur at a new destination because of traveling across several time zones. It may make a person feel tired when they should be awake or make them not able to sleep when it is night. It always seems to be worse when you travel eastward than when you travel westward.

Jet Lag Causes

Symptoms of jet lag don’t occur when you travel from north to south or south to north. It only happens when you change time zones and affects your daily routine. Usually you need to travel through more than two zones to have significant effects on your body.

The Perfect Jet Lag DietOur internal clock is located in the lower part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This organ gets signals from eyes that tell it whether it is dark or light. Hormones are released based on that information that will make you sleepy or alert. Melatonin gets released when it is dark. An increase in melatonin will cause you to be sleepier. If you turn on the lights you can quickly stop the release of melatonin.

Traveling through time zones will cause everything in the world to happen with the wrong timing. Eventually your body will adjust to these changes but it may take a few days. This time of adjustment is called jet lag.

Complications and symptoms of Jet Lag

The major symptom that occurs during jet lag is that everything feels like it is taking place at inopportune times. Bedtime and mealtime is either too late or too early depending on which way you traveled. Your body begins to adjust quickly upon arrival but it does take time depending on how many time zones you traveled through.

Many common symptoms that occur during jet lag are as follows:The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

• Diarrhea and constipation

• Upset stomach

• Frequent waking during sleep

• Irritability

• Impaired judgement


• Difficulty concentrating

• Fatigue

• Apathy

• Daytime sleepiness

Jet lag is actually a nuisance but it can have complications. Woman may see a disruption in their monthly menstrual cycle if they fly often. Peptic ulcer symptoms may also worsen due to jet lag. The stomach secretes acid when the body thinks it is time to eat and if no food is taken in, the acid can become corrosive. Diabetics should also seek guidance from their physician about how the time change will affect their insulin schedule.

Prevention of Jet Lag

Try to get your body to adjust to what your new hours are going to be at your destination before you even leave. Try to wake and sleep at the times you will be doing that at your destination. Do this slowly a couple of days before you leave. This will help your body to adjust quicker to the new time zones.

Some other suggestions that may help reduce the effects of jet lag are as follows:
• Eat frequent small meals and eat lightly with foods such as vegetables and fruit
• Drink lots of water
• Try to get ample sleep before you travel
• Try not to drink caffeinated or alcoholic drinks
• Take a nap if you feel tired
• Wear comfortable, loose clothing
• Get exercise on the plane during flight where possible

WestCoast Naturals Melatonin 5mg Review

This is the WestCoast Naturals Melatonin (Cherry flavor) 5 mg Review. The manufacturer claims that this product is good for people who are suffering from sleeping disorder, caused by, for example, jet-lag or working in shifts, and that the use is increasing the total time of their sleep, and improves the quality of sleep. They also claim that the product reduces the time you need to fall asleep, and that it also improves the sleep/wake cycle. If you are considering of trying out this product, but you are not sure if the ingredients are good for your body, we recommend that you keep on reading our review and find out everything you want to know regarding the WestCoast Naturals Melatonin.


This product contains:

  • 5 mg Melatonin: Helps your body to regain the normal sleep-wake cycle, and adjusts your internal clock

The product also contains inactive ingredients, and those are:

  • Mannitol
  • Sorbitol
  • Croscarmellose Sodium
  • Stearic Acid
  • Natural Cherry Flavour
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Silica
  • FD&C Red No. 40
  • Xylitol
  • Maltodextrin


As far as the dosage is concerned, the recommended dose is 1 tablet, around 30 to 60 minutes before you go to bed, and the tablet is supposed to be placed under the tongue until it fully dissolves. In the case you have consulted your doctor and he prescribed a different dosage, you can follow the instructions of your doctor.

Possible side effects

There are no recorded side effects, but the WestCoast Naturals company has placed a label on the package, which says that if you suffer from a hormonal disorder, seizure disorders, diabetes, kidney or liver problems, migraines, depression, hypertension or cerebral palsy or if you are already using sedative or blood pressure medications, it is strongly recommended that you talk with your doctor before you start using the product. If the symptoms are still present after 4 weeks of the start of using the product, you should consult your doctor, of eventual increasing of the dosage. It is also not recommended to be used if you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding.


After extensive research unfortunately we were not able to find the price of the WestCoast Naturals Melatonin (Cherry flavor) 5 mg, which is really concerning, because it raises question regarding the products availability. But we researched the prices of the same product from other manufacturers, and we found out that the price for a 90 tablet bottle, starts from $5.98.


The company doesn’t sell their products directly to customers, but only trough registered retailers, meaning that when it comes to any kind of guarantee, it depends on the retailer, but since we weren’t able to find this product available anywhere, it raises many questions regarding the quality and if the product is still being produced.


Judging by the claims of the manufacturer, their Melatonin (Cherry flavor) 5 mg tablets are a solution for sleeping disorder problems, however, the lack of information regarding the price, as well as the guarantee, and not to mention the fact that we weren’t able to find it available on any online retailer website, raises to many questions, and gives the feeling that, even if you manage to find it, this product probably isn’t the best solution for you.

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Wishgarden Herbs Jet Lag Juice Review

This is the Wishgarden Herbs Jet Lag review. By the words of the manufacturer this product is great for people who have changed circadian rhythms, either because they are traveling frequently or because they work in shifts. The product contains Gotu Kola and Gingko leaf, and those ingredients are great when it comes to remaining focused and having an optimal neural messaging. If you are interested in this product because you suffer from jet-lag or some other sleeping disorder, and you want to find out more about the Wishgarden Herbs Jet Lag Juice, we recommend you to keep reading this review.


This product contains:

  • Gotu Kola aerials
  • Ginkgo leaf
  • Cinnamon bark
  • Eleuthero root
  • Dandelion root
  • Prickly Ash bark

It also has inactive ingredients:

  • Organic gluten-free alcohol
  • Rocky Mountain artesian spring water
  • Vegetable glycerin 99.9%.


The manufacturer recommends that you put 2 to 4 full droppers in a glass of water, to make it tastier, or you can use the same amount when needed, under your tongue. It can be also used 3 times a day prepared as a tonic.

Possible side effects

The manufacturer has not listed any possible side effects, but they have stated that this product is not meant to be used by pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. We were not able to find any customer review, which raises the question if this product is effective, and if so, does it have some side effects that can occur.


If you order the product from the official company website, you will pay $12.99 for a 30 ml bottle, $19.99 for a 60 ml bottle, and $36.99 for a 120 ml bottle. Meaning that if you order the 120 ml bottle, you will save $14.97, and in our opinion, this is a great deal if you find this product suitable for you. If you register on their website, and accept to receive their newsletter, they will offer you more discounts and special promotion prices.


We didn’t find any information regarding the money back guarantee, and if the Wishgarden Herbs company actually accepts returns and what are the conditions to receive a full money back refund. We find this to be a big minus, and it raises concerns about the quality of the product, as well as its effectiveness.


The Wishgarden Herbs Jet Lag Juice seems like a great solution for people who are traveling often and have problems with jet-lag, as well as for those who are suffering from sleeping disorder. But this is if we are to trust the manufacturer’s recommendations, the real situation is that, in our opinion, this product is actually not the best choice, due to the lack of information regarding the guarantee policy of the company, as well as because of the lack of customer reviews.

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Jetrid Review

This is an extensive review of Jetrid. Jetrid is one of the best jet lag relief products. The manufacturers claim that it is the safest dietary supplement that will combat lethargy, relieve stress, regulate circadian rhythms and promote good sleep. They also claim that the all pure ingredients used were carefully selected after an extensive research and clinical studies. To learn more on Jetrid continue reading this review.



Jetrid is formulated from the following all pure ingredients:

  • Magnesium – For fighting fatigue, combating stress and overcoming restlessness.
  • Calcium – Booster for deficiencies and replenishing electrolytes
  • Gaba (Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid)- A neurotransmitter
  • L-Theanine – For sharpening mental focus
  • L-Ornithine – For promoting positive sleep patterns
  • Chamomile[4:1] – For reducing stress and treating insomnia
  • Dmae Bitartrate – Helps in increasing production of brain chemicals
  • Vitamin B Blend – For maintaining energy levels
  • Ashwagandha – For treating stress and lack of sleep


The recommended dose is to take two capsules half an hour before taking off. Two capsules at least four hours later after arriving then at least one capsule a day until the effects clear. It is important to note that the dosage should not be exceeded.

Possible Side Effects

There is no information on any possible side effects from people who have used Jetrid. However, this is not proof enough that Jetrid is completely safe to use and can be used by anyone experiencing jet lag. If you experience any side effect, it is recommended that you seek medical advice. If you happen to be: pregnant, under 18 years, a nursing mother or if you have any known medical condition, consult your doctor first before using Jetrid.


The prices on the website vary depending on the number of bottles you need. The recommended one is the six bottle supply and the cost is $23.30 each totalling $139.80. The other option is the four bottle pack that costs $27.95 each, a total of $111.80. There is also a two bottle supply that costs $69.90 and for one bottle the cost is $49.95. From the prices it is clear that the more you buy, the more you save.


Jetrid has a 60-day money back guarantee. However, the guarantee does not cater for shipping costs. Whether the product is still new or partially used the guarantee is active as long as the product is returned within the stipulated time. The best thing is that when returning the product you will not be questioned. Customer reviews do not show any negative information concerning  the 60 day money back guarantee.


Jetrid’s ability to offer relief and boosting energy cannot be compared to any other jet lag relief product. The money back guarantee is also a plus since it doesn’t limit anyone. If the recommended dosage is followed keenly maximum results will be experienced by the user. The different options offered when ordering also cater for everyones needs, whether you need one or more than one bottle. The ingredients used are clinically supported and have been researched on for many years. Testimonials from people who have used this product show that it stands out among other jet lag relief products.

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The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

Is it possible to fly across the country and be able to handle the different time zones? Can you have your body and brain set for the new time zone?

When you need to feel great and not be worried about the change in the time, you need to know how to eat and drink the right foods. That way you can kill that meeting with a new client, enjoy you vacation, or just feel well whenever you fly.The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

Tens of thousands of people have tried this diet and almost every one found it to be highly effective. After years of research, a working system has been developed that reset your body’s rhythms. When the body’s circadian rhythms are messed up and not in sync with the environment around you, the symptoms of jet lag occur.

This temporary physical and mental dysfunction occurs and your body can’t adjust quickly enough. The plan is designed to help your body make abrupt shifts in its cycles to prepare for the departure. When you are traveling over multiple time zones, it may be necessary to utilize the plan for longer to help your body adjust to the huge change.

To determine how many days you will need to utilize this diet, you need to know how many time zones you will be crossing. For example, for trips within the United States, you should only need to use the diet for two days. However, if you plan on traveling out of the country, you will need to utilize the plan for four days.

The plan alternates the times that you eat and the times that you fast. It works like this:

  • The Perfect Jet Lag DietFind when breakfast time is at your destination and then begin your diet for the allotted amount of days before you arrive. Caffeinated drinks or alcohol should only be drank between three and five. Eat all meals at their regular time. On the first day eat a diet that includes a breakfast and lunch high in protein and a dinner high in carbohydrates.
  • Day two’s diet should include light meals that don’t include lots of fats, calories, and carbohydrates.
  • On the third day, repeat the diet of your first day.
  • On the departure day and the fourth day, you will fast again. Be sure to only consume caffeinated beverages between 6 pm and 11 pm if traveling eastward and in the morning if travelling westward. Avoid drinking alcohol on the plane.
  • Have a breakfast that is high in protein at the breakfast time of your destination. If you take a nap before breakfast and then eat all of your meals on schedule.

These tips will give your body the ability to effectively modify its sleep cycle and help you avoid the symptoms of jet lag.

Jet Lag: Things You Need to Know

Things You Need To Know To Reduce and Prevent Jet Lag

You may have to travel for work or for fun. Either way, if you experience jet leg it is not fun. Jet leg is a condition that is usually temporary where your body’s sleep cycle is disturbed because you have traveled into a different time zone. The body is used to going to sleep the same time each day but because the time in the new location is not the same, the body is ready for sleep at inappropriate times. This is especially true if the amount of light changes.

When your body sees it getting dark, it releases a hormone that induces sleep. When you are used to it getting dark at seven and then go to a different time zone, you may find your body is messed up. There are several symptoms that people with jet lag experience.


Some of the symptoms that a person with jet lag would experience includes gastrointestinal irritation, daytime fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches. Most people also experience a sick feeling which can ruin any vacation or make it really hard to nail that meeting with an important client.

What can be done?

When your brain reacts to the light from the eye and releases the hormone to make you sleepy, it causes a lot of issues for those that travel. There are some things that can be done to prevent the symptoms from being severe.

  1. Make a plan

If you think about how your body will react to the different time zones, you can do some things to help prevent the symptoms from affecting you. Before your trip, you want to get the proper amount of sleep, exercise three days a week, and eat a diet that is healthy and balanced. Plan on arriving at your destination early so that you can give your body time to adjust. You can also adjust your sleep schedule to match the time zone of your destination.


There are also some things that you can do during your flight to help reduce the effects of jet lag. If you keep hydrated by drinking lots of water and eliminating caffeine or alcohol from your diet, it will help with the symptoms of jet lag. During a long trip, you want to make sure that you get up and move around when it is safe. That way you will avoid blood clots from developing and decrease the chance of soreness due to sitting in the same position for long periods of time.

If these don’t help, you may need to consider taking medication or talking to your doctor. She will be able to help you deal with the symptoms so that you can handle the change in time.

You can start to feel better when you get to your destination, but you have to make sure that you handle the time differences effectively so that your body has time to adjust.