Jet Lag Can Cause Weight Gain

Everyone who travels through various time zones will know the horror of experiencing jet lag. Jet lag is caused when a person travels to a different time zone which then disrupts their own internal clock which can lead to sleeplessness and restlessness. However, recent studies have also shown that not only does jet lag cause loss of sleep but could also cause a person to gain some unwanted weight.

Jet Lag Affects the Body’s Metabolic System

Jet Lag Can Cause Weight GainScientists in Israel conducted a study that showed our body’s Circadian Rhythm or internal clock gets disturbed whenever we jump from one time zone to another. This in turn disturbs our body’s metabolic system, slowing it down. The problem here is during the time that our body should be resting, we could possibly be still awake and eating lunch. Our body gets jolted and cannot react accordingly to this sudden change of eating habit or schedule which can therefore lead to weight gain.

This discovery further lends credence to the connection between sleep disorder and obesity. People with difficulty sleeping have a higher chance of developing obesity than those who have a relatively healthy sleep and wake cycle.

A Solution is Currently Underway

These findings are not just bearer of bad news though. Learning more about the causes and effects of jet lag can help researchers find better ways to combat and prevent it. The disruption of our internal clock can be caused by several factors such as change in time zone, changes in lifestyle such as a shift in working schedules.

Jet Lag Can Cause Weight GainSleep patterns are known to have an effect with several health complications, most notably obesity, but is also known to be linked to cancer, cardiovascular illnesses and diabetes. However, it was not until recently that sleep patterns where proven to directly affect the chances of developing diseases. Recent tests with mice showed a dramatic shift within the body from abrupt changes in the day and night cycle which caused the body’s immunity system to fluctuate. Another important factor that was discovered was the increased weight of these mice which were similar to obesity in humans as well as the increased chances of diabetes. At the moment, researchers are looking at possible techniques and strategies to prevent jet lag from causing too much harm within the body. What was originally conceived as a mere inconvenience has turned out to be the seed that could cause numerous health risks.

Preventing Jet Lag

There are several ways to help prevent jet lag such as easing your internal clock into the current time zone. For constant travelers this is an issue that they must look into with more care as their health is at stake. It is vital not to force the body past its limits; jet lag is a nuisance that should not be overlooked as it can be the root or more serious ailments in the future. Having a healthy lifestyle and eating habit will help dampen the impact of jet lag on the body and ensure that you maintain your ideal weight as well as prevent sleep disorders from affecting your physical and mental state.