21st Century HealthCare, Inc Melatonin 3 mg Review

My review today is on a product called Melatonin 3 mg from 21st Century HealthCare, Inc. 21st Century HealthCare, Inc. says that their product will ease the insomnia that comes with jet lag. They say that Melatonin 3mg will help you get relaxed so you can sleep until your natural sleep cycles get back on track. To find out more about this product, please continue reading the rest of my review below.




The following is a list of the ingredients contained in Melatonin 3mg.

Active Ingredient

  • Melatonin

Inactive Ingredients

  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Cellulose
  • Stearic Acid
  • Croscarmellose Sodium


Melatonin 3mg is intended for adult use only. The dosing instructions are to take one tablet before bedtime. You should take it about a half hour before going to bed to give it time to work. If you are using Melatonin 3mg for jet lag relief, it is recommended to take it about 30 minutes before your bedtime, but doing it in relation to the destination time zone. For example, if you are in Eastern time zone and go to bed at 9 p.m. and are traveling to Pacific time zone, you would take Melatonin at midnight Eastern a couple of days before traveling in order to adjust.

Possible Side Effects

While there are not any major side effects associated with taking Melatonin 3mg aside from drowsiness, there are some precautions to take. Melatonin 3mg can cause drowsiness, so certain activities just as driving should not be performed after taking it. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take Melatonin 3mg unless cleared to do so after a consultation with their doctor.


A bottle of Melatonin 3mg by 21st Century HealthCare contains 90 caplets. It is available at multiple online retailers for a very low price. All of the retailers checked sell Melatonin 3mg for around $3 to $5 per bottle. There is no mention of any discounts or subscription information, nor is there any evidence of any special deals, although with the prices what they are, it would seem to be unnecessary to have any disounts.


Despite thorough research, I was unable to turn up any evidence of a guarantee. This could be a cause of doubt being cast upon the effectiveness of the product. Also, there do not seem to be any customer reviews available to shed some light on the effectiveness and help would-be consumers to make a decision on whether to purchase the product or go with something else.


21st Century HealthCare’s Melatonin 3mg is a pretty decent product. A couple of good things to mention is the fact that it is very affordable. Additionally, the facility it is manufactured with the CGMP seal and the facility is also approved by the FDA. On the other side, there is no evidence of a guarantee with this product. There is also no evidence of any customer reviews to shed light on the product, so potential consumers are on their own when it comes to this one.

Click here to learn about our Top Jet Lag Treatment Products.

Jet Lag Can Cause Weight Gain

Jet Lag Can Cause Weight Gain

Everyone who travels through various time zones will know the horror of experiencing jet lag. Jet lag is caused when a person travels to a different time zone which then disrupts their own internal clock which can lead to sleeplessness and restlessness. However, recent studies have also shown that not only does jet lag cause loss of sleep but could also cause a person to gain some unwanted weight.

Jet Lag Affects the Body’s Metabolic System

Jet Lag Can Cause Weight GainScientists in Israel conducted a study that showed our body’s Circadian Rhythm or internal clock gets disturbed whenever we jump from one time zone to another. This in turn disturbs our body’s metabolic system, slowing it down. The problem here is during the time that our body should be resting, we could possibly be still awake and eating lunch. Our body gets jolted and cannot react accordingly to this sudden change of eating habit or schedule which can therefore lead to weight gain.

This discovery further lends credence to the connection between sleep disorder and obesity. People with difficulty sleeping have a higher chance of developing obesity than those who have a relatively healthy sleep and wake cycle.

A Solution is Currently Underway

These findings are not just bearer of bad news though. Learning more about the causes and effects of jet lag can help researchers find better ways to combat and prevent it. The disruption of our internal clock can be caused by several factors such as change in time zone, changes in lifestyle such as a shift in working schedules.

Jet Lag Can Cause Weight GainSleep patterns are known to have an effect with several health complications, most notably obesity, but is also known to be linked to cancer, cardiovascular illnesses and diabetes. However, it was not until recently that sleep patterns where proven to directly affect the chances of developing diseases. Recent tests with mice showed a dramatic shift within the body from abrupt changes in the day and night cycle which caused the body’s immunity system to fluctuate. Another important factor that was discovered was the increased weight of these mice which were similar to obesity in humans as well as the increased chances of diabetes. At the moment, researchers are looking at possible techniques and strategies to prevent jet lag from causing too much harm within the body. What was originally conceived as a mere inconvenience has turned out to be the seed that could cause numerous health risks.

Preventing Jet Lag

There are several ways to help prevent jet lag such as easing your internal clock into the current time zone. For constant travelers this is an issue that they must look into with more care as their health is at stake. It is vital not to force the body past its limits; jet lag is a nuisance that should not be overlooked as it can be the root or more serious ailments in the future. Having a healthy lifestyle and eating habit will help dampen the impact of jet lag on the body and ensure that you maintain your ideal weight as well as prevent sleep disorders from affecting your physical and mental state.

Newly Discovered Gene

Newly Discovered Gene May Hold Key to Curing Jet Lag

Recent medical studies have shown that there is a certain gene within the body that correlates with jet lags whenever our body travels to a different time zone. This specific gene slows down the body’s ability to adapt to a new time zone. It is therefore speculated by several researchers that if we can develop the ability to suppress this gene we can very well have the ability to prevent jet lags.

How Our Internal Clock Ticks

The human body has its own internal clock called the circadian clock that operates on a 24 hour cycle. This internal clock helps keep us subconsciously aware of our sleep and wake cycle based on our natural time zone.

Melatonin Supplements - Health Benefits and Side EffectsThe internal clock or circadian clock reacts to daylight but whenever a person travels to a significantly different time zone the circadian clock is thrown into confusion which results in jet lag. Our internal clock is regulated by a certain part of the brain; this part is known as the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei or SCN. The SCN gathers information fed to it by the eyes which determine whether it is time for the body to rest based on the level of natural light in the environment. Hence, if it is dark then the body starts to slow down readying itself for a sleep and vice versa.

However, one question continues to evade answers and that is why it takes so long for our internal clock to reset when we travel to a vastly different time zone.

Gene’s Purpose

In order to synchronize the body’s internal clock quicker studies are currently underway as to how the gene works and how we can push it to retune quicker. Scientist does believe that this gene that slows down our body’s ability to adjust to a different time zone has a valid purpose. It is currently seen as a sort of buffer that helps ensure that the change is accurate and not just an anomaly.

Melatonin Supplements - Health Benefits and Side EffectsIt takes the brain some time to decide whether the information being delivered by the eyes is a reliable one and if a retune of the circadian clock is necessary. But this is also the cause as to why our bodies take some time to sync with a different time zone and the cause of jet lag.

Studies of SCN in mice were conducted and revealed that at least a hundred genes were reacting to the light and darkness test which then led to a slow but steady adjustment of the circadian clock within the mice.

But there was one specific molecule that took the attention of scientists, the SIK1. This molecule was discovered to be the one causing the slowdown of the body’s adaptation to a different time zone and is seen as the main cause of jet lag.

Scientists then went on and tested suppressing SIK1 from working which in turn resulted with the mice adjusting quicker from constant changes in the day and night cycle test.

Future of Curing Jet Lags

This new discovery about this specific gene offers a new potential cure from jet lag but scientists themselves admit that it is still a long way from being developed but it is a step in the right direction. This potential cure to jet lag can also cause some positive effect on several sleep disorders as well such as insomnia.

Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin Supplements – Health Benefits and Side Effects

Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone found inside the human body; specifically it is produced by a specific gland found in the brain called the pineal gland. Melatonin is produced on a regular basis everyday and on a set interval. The pineal gland secretes melatonin based on the body’s internal clock or circadian clock. Scientists have discovered that the peak hours when melatonin is produced is during the night. A healthy individual will produce melatonin at a rate of about 5 – 25 micrograms every night.

Melatonin for Jet Lag

Melatonin Supplements - Health Benefits and Side EffectsThe use of supplements containing melatonin has been proven to help prevent as well as cure jet lag. Studies have shown that using melatonin supplements on the day of your flight and continuously taking them for a couple more days can help the body adapt to the shift in time zone quicker. East bound and west bound travelers will have different dosage recommendations though. For those traveling westward it is advisable to take melatonin supplement for 4 days before bedtime. For east bound east bound travelers it is best to start taking melatonin supplements early before the flight during the bed time of your destination and continuously take one each night for 4 days once there.

Melatonin for Sleep Disorders

Melatonin supplements have been found to be quite effective for people who are suffering from sleeping disorders such as insomnia. Several studies conducted showed a huge percentage of people who took melatonin had far better results in terms of sleep quality than those who were given placebos. The recommended dosage is set at 30 to an hour before bedtime for best results. Research also suggests that melatonin supplement were more beneficial to people who are around the age of 50 and above, the age when melatonin production in the brain is significantly decreased. Melatonin also has a huge benefit for children that have certain developmental, intellectual or behavioral delays.Melatonin Supplements - Health Benefits and Side Effects

Miscellaneous Uses of Melatonin

Melatonin is currently being studied for use in other health cases and issues. While there is still no solid conclusion it is being seen as a possible treatment for several age specific conditions. One such case is with hot flashes during menopause. It is also being tested in muscle degeneration and pre-operative anxiety.

Melatonin also seems to be a good source of anti-inflammatory agents and has actually been used for treatment of several types of cancer. Melatonin is mainly used for treating chronic ailments such insomnia but this alone can help in preventing other negative conditions from developing such as obesity and diabetes.

Precautions in Using Melatonin

As with all types of medications, melatonin supplements must be used as the doctor instructed. Overdosing can lead to several unwanted side effects such as headaches, dizziness, depression and nausea. Melatonin has a number of health benefits that are still being unlocked by scientists today. This can be the key to beating sleep disorders and it can also lead to other health benefits. Time will tell on what part melatonin will play in the future of medications for sleep disorders but it seems that it will play a significant one.

Jet Lag with Exhaustion can make you Vomit

Jet Lag with Exhaustion can make you Vomit

During a press conference in Switzerland a Myanmar Nobel Prize Winner was unable to finish her speech within just 30 minutes from the introduction. The reason is that she felt sick and was unable to continue due to a bout of extreme nausea. Minutes later Suu Kyi was vomiting and she was led backstage to receive medical attention. It appears that fatigue was the reason but it also seems jet lag has a hand in this unfortunate event.

Jet Lag and Fatigue, a Dangerous CombinationJet Lag with Exhaustion can make you Vomit

Is it possible for a mixture of fatigue and a significant time zone difference cause a person to feel nauseous and dizzy? Yes, it is possible for this to happen especially if the individual is not used to the change in climate or is under a huge amount of stress. If all factors fall into place then you might find your meal right back outside your body pretty soon once you have landed.

Exhaustion itself is the biggest factor in all of this. Fatigue can cause numerous symptoms such as headaches, shaking, muscle pains, higher blood pressure and lack of focus.

While the body might adapt to these symptoms the addition of jet lag could be the final nail that would exacerbate the condition and cause more symptoms to develop like stomach aches.

Fatigue causes two systems within the body to go into overdrive. Unfortunately, these two systems are complete opposites from each other and might cause some unwanted side effects. The two systems here are known as the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

Sympathetic Nervous System – This system is triggered as in the same way adrenaline is released to the body. It puts our body into high alert mode which tenses up our muscles.

Parasympathetic Nervous System – This on the other hand acts as a relaxant which will cause salivation and relaxed bowels.

Jet Lag with Exhaustion can make you VomitWhichever of these two are more active during a moment of extreme fatigue will cause you to experience stomach ache and nausea which could lead to vomiting as well.

Connection between Fatigue and Jet Lag – Cases

There are many known cases wherein exhaustion and jet lag has been directly connected to nausea and vomiting. Athletes, for example, who will compete in different time zones, are known to suffer from jet lag, nausea and vomiting. It is not uncommon to find an athlete after a long flight with their face in the sink unable to hold in their meal. However, doctors have said that if you experience a bout of fatigue and jet lag which led to vomiting it does not mean that it will be a regular experience that you will have to go through every time.


There are several ways for a person to prevent the symptoms of exhaustion. Having adequate sleep, keeping hydrated and ensuring that you are comfortable are all effective solutions to stopping fatigue from rearing its head. For jet lag, people can use sleeping medications or melatonin supplements to help dampen the effect of jet lag significantly.

Exercise Against Jet Lag

Positive Benefits of Exercise Against Jet Lag

Constant travelers will know exactly how much toll jet lag can take from the body. For those who have experienced traveling to a significantly different time zone chances are they felt nauseous and unease during the first day or so of arriving. Some will have to contend with this experience for a couple more days. Symptoms of jet lag can range from difficulty sleeping, dizziness and vomiting. So how can we prevent jet lag from ruining our travels? One technique being looked at that is said to help prevent jet lag is by a specific set of exercise routines. Does this claim hold true?

Exercise VS Jet Lag

Positive Benefits of Exercise Against Jet LagThere are several common symptoms that accompany jet lag. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness and stomachaches are all usually experienced by people who have jet lag from their travels. When you are feeling the effects of jet lag it is understandable that you just want to lie down in your bed and relax. However, this does not help treat your jet lag and you might still experience it afterwards. On the other hand, exercising is seen as something that can help lessen the effects of the jet lag you are experiencing or stop it altogether.

Studies are showing positive results when it comes to the effects of exercising on jet lag. It appears that exercising outdoors can actually help retune your internal clock faster. There are also 3 instances when exercising is beneficial to preventing and treating jet lag.

Pre-Flight Exercise

Before your flight is actually a good time to do some exercise, preferably high energy exercises. The point of this is to not only burn off some calories but also release some stress that you might be experiencing. If you do not have the time to conduct a proper high octane exercise then a brisk jog around your home or at the airport is just as good.

Try to Stay Active on the Plane

Positive Benefits of Exercise Against Jet LagLong flights can really elevate your stress levels as you are stuck in such a small place for a period of time. To avoid any cramping you should walk around every once and a while as this can keep your blood flowing throughout the flight. If walking around the plane is not your cup of tea then some simple isometric workouts will suffice.

You can try the following exercises if walking around the plane is not an option:

  • Shoulder Rolls
  • Shoulder Stretches
  • Leg Stretches
  • Glute Squeezes
  • Ab Stretches

Arrival and Prevention of Jet Lag

Jet lags do not hit you immediately after you land. It will usually take around the 3rd day for you to actually feel the effects of jet lag. In order to prevent that from happening be sure to do some exercises on the day you arrive at your hotel. A quick 30 minute brisk walking followed by some simple weight lifting exercise can help ease your body into the process of adapting to your new time zone.

It is surprising to discover that by performing some simple exercise routines we are able to combat the effects of jet lag. Remember to try this out if you are going on an out of town trip. Jet lag can ruin your vacation but by staying ahead of the curve you can easily block this irritating condition from getting the best of you.

Simple Jet Lag Prevention Techniques

Simple Jet Lag Prevention Techniques

Athletes go through rigorous and difficult training but that is not where the hard road ends. When participating in sports events on a different country, athletes will also need to go through one more hurdle, jet lag. This is a serious issue for athletes as such experiences can really have a negative effect on their performance. Jet lag symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, dulled alertness and slower reflexes, all of which can hinder their performance.

In order to treat jet lag we must allow our internal clock or the circadian clock to sync with the time zone we are currently in. Unfortunately, this can take a couple of days, a time that athletes will not likely have the luxury of. In that regard, we have compiled a list of tips and techniques that you can do in order to help treat jet lag faster or prevent it altogether.

Jet Lag and Its Effects in Athletic PerformanceSimple Jet Lag Prevention Techniques

There are no concrete evidence as to the negative effects of jet lag with an athlete’s performance but the symptoms that accompany jet lag can result in a sloppier performance due to its negative effects on the physical and mental integrity of the individual.

Fatigue is one of the most common signs of jet lag and as such will greatly reduce the physical and mental capacity of the person. In order to prevent this from happening, athletes take precautionary steps prior to traveling in order to prevent jet lag from developing. This is done by adjusting our internal clock in advance.

Retuning Our Circadian Clock or Rhythm

One of the most common techniques in terms of adjusting our internal clock in advance to prevent jet lag is by regulating the body’s exposure to light and darkness, exercising during specific times and taking melatonin supplements. The exposure to bright light and darkness seem to also have the biggest factor when it comes to adjusting our internal clock.Simple Jet Lag Prevention Techniques

Regulating Light and Dark Exposure

By exposing the body and eyes to bright light during the time when our body is at its lowest temperature, normally around 5am, we can effectively speed up our internal clock.


Melatonin is a hormone that is produced naturally by our brain, specifically the pineal glands. It is known to affect the circadian rhythm which makes it a prime element for studying treatment of sleep disorders.

By taking a small amount of melatonin supplement, preferably around .5mg, during the afternoon we can speed up the internal clock cycle.

Working Out

Exercise is one of the most widely used and natural ways to prevent and treat jet lag. By working out at least one hour every day the body can better adapt to significant changes in wake and sleep cycles. The key factor here is that these exercises must be done at specific times for it to have a positive effect in treating jet lag.

Athletes know the importance of keeping fit and healthy. Jet lag is one of the biggest obstacles most athletes contend with when participating in an international event. By taking the necessary steps early in jet lag prevention they are able to ensure that they will compete at their peak performance level when the time comes.

How to Avoid Jet Lag

How to Avoid Jet Lag

International travels can be a really memorable experience. From visiting unique vistas and being introduced to different cultures to the interesting people and history you learn along the way, travel is one of life’s greatest luxuries. However, there is one thing that can ruin your vacation and it is something so common that chances are you might have already experienced it during one of your travels. We are talking about jet lag, of course.

Preventing Jet Lag – Tips

There are numerous ways you can do to prevent jet lag but it all centers around being prepared and preparing your body for the changes in time zones you will encounter. First of all, it is important that you are well rested before your flight. By giving your body enough rest it will have a faster recovery time once you arrive at your destination. In fact, you will arrive there fresh and energized.How to Avoid Jet Lag

Exercising is another important factor you should incorporate. Try conducting high octane exercises at specific time slots. This is important as you need to have your body conditioned for the time zone you are going to. Adjusting early will help you stop jet lag completely.

Another important factor is hydration. Remember to always keep yourself hydrated throughout your travel. Dehydration during long flights will lend a hand in keeping your energy low and may even cause nausea.

You can also try drinking green tea as it is known to be a great antioxidant and can also boost the body’s immune system keeping illness at bay which is important considering you will be stuck in an enclosed area with dozens of people for some time.

Traveling to your vacation spot might push you to think that this is a good time to celebrate with alcohol but you should really refrain from that. Travelers who take advantage of the alcoholic drinks in flight will always suffer for it afterwards with a bout of jet lag once they arrive. Wine is fine as long as you keep it at a minimum but whenever you are at such a high altitude drinking alcohol is never a good idea.

If you are on a considerably long flight then you might want to keep the blood flow going by walking around the plane. If that is not an option then some simple stretches while seated will suffice, just remember to keep your limbs nimble throughout the flight. Meditation is also effective when it comes to relieving stress during your flight.

Supplements for Jet Lag Treatment

How to Avoid Jet LagNow that we have tackles techniques you can do to prevent jet lag during your travels, let us now take some time to talk about supplements that you can take to further improve your health and completely eliminate the chances of experiencing jet lag.

Vitamins C – Taking a vitamin C supplement before and after the flight can help boost the body’s immune system and give some much needed extra energy.

Rhodiola Rosea Extracts – This is one of the most popular anti-jet lag supplements around. This all natural herbal supplement helps increase endurance while also offering some soothing effects on the mind to help you keep stress at bay.

Ginseng – Another natural herbal remedy, ginseng is known for having a list of awesome benefits for the brain. It keeps oxygen levels within the body at an optimum, sharpen memory and mental integrity as well as boost energy.

Melatonin Supplements – These are currently one of the most trusted when it comes to treating jet lag. It helps regulate sleep cycle faster and give you better quality sleeps.

Jet lag can ruin what should be a beautiful and relaxing vacation. Fortunately, this is something that we can prevent. Following the simple steps listed above can help you make the most out of your vacation and prevent jet lag from rearing its ugly head.

Homeopathic Treatments for Jet Lag

Homeopathic Treatments for Jet Lag

Homeopathy is one the oldest forms of treatment. It operates under the principle that any substance that can cause an ailment can also help treat when given at a smaller and controlled dose. When it comes to treating jet lag, homeopathy has had a reasonable success rate.

Jet lag is debilitating condition wherein the body experiences several symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sleeplessness. This is caused by the sudden change in time zone which the body is not used to. This is an exasperating experience that can ruin any vacation as your body will not be fit enough to fully enjoy what should have been a relaxing experience.Homeopathic Treatments for Jet Lag

Homeopathy Treatment for Jet Lag

Homeopathy offers several remedies to treat jet lag which are determined by the symptoms being experienced by the individual. However, there are a couple of well known herbal remedies that are used to treat most jet lags. Extract found from the following plants such as:

  • Daisy
  • Leopard’s Bane
  • Chamomile
  • Clubmoss
  • Ipecac

The compounds that can be derived from the plants listed above have properties that can help treat jet lag. However, keep in mind that the agents found in these plants can cause side effects when not properly used. But when diluted properly and given with the right dosage these are effective in curing jet lag.

How Does Homeopathic Treatments Work?

Simply put, homeopathic treatment will hasten the effect of jet lag which then forces the body to quickly adapt to the new time zone. When the body is naturally adapting to a different time zone it can usually take a couple of days for the circadian rhythm to readjust. By applying homeopathic treatment we can see improvements in a day or two, maybe even sooner.

Various Homeopathic Remedies for Each Symptom

Homeopathic Treatments for Jet LagHomeopathic uses different remedies for specific symptoms of jet lag. Listed below are these well-known remedies and their recommended dosage and when they should be used.

Arnica Montana – This herbal remedy is used to treat fatigue and dulled mental state. It is also known to have properties for healing the body such as the joints and muscles. When it comes to jet lag it helps by assisting the body maintains its tissue integrity which may become damaged due to prolonged inactivity.

Bellis Perennis – This remedy acts as a muscle relaxant which can prevent cramping during flights. It also acts to improve sleep quality.

Chamomile – This herb is well-known for its soothing effects on the mind and body. It is mainly used in homeopathic treatment to help ease the body into sleep.

Lycopodium – This herb can be used to treat digestive problems, it is also used as a relaxant.

Ipecacunha – This herbal remedy that is native of South America is used as an expectorant and helps you expel vomit by stimulating the respiratory tract.

Homeopathic remedies are all natural and relatively safe as long as it is prescribed by your doctor. These methods can help improve your health and prevent jet lag from surfacing during your travels.

Jet Lag Prevention Methods

Jet Lag Prevention Methods

Jet lag can happen to the best of us. After a while of traveling through different time zones you will notice that it will start having an effect on your body. You will feel weak, dizzy, and nauseous and extremely drained both physically and mentally. This is what happens when our internal clock or circadian rhythm gets confused on the sudden shift of time zones.

Jet lag can be quite debilitating for travelers and could render them unable to enjoy the sights or leave their hotel room for a couple of days which is bad news for vacationers to athletes.

What Triggers Jet Lag?

Jet Lag Prevention MethodsJet lag is the disruption of our internal clock when we arrive at a time zone that is significantly different from what we are used to. The shift in day and night cycle affects the body’s melatonin production which causes our body get confused on the wake and sleep cycle.

Melatonin is produced within the brain when the person is in a low light or dark environment and signals our body to sleep. When day and night cycle changes the body starts getting confused which may cause symptoms of sleeplessness and nausea.

Below are some important tips to help alleviate the effects of jet lag.

Always Rehydrate

Dehydration is common when it comes to prolonged flights which may cause some adverse effects to your jet lag. Prevent this by always rehydrating yourself. If you are on a long duration flight then be sure to drink plenty of water throughout your travel. Getting dehydrated in such a high altitude is not good as you may experience headaches and dryness in the nasal passage and eyes.

Try to drink coconut water once you have arrived in your destination as it can quickly replenish your body with electrolytes as well as refresh your mind.Jet Lag Prevention Methods

Treating Nausea

Another common problem when traveling via airplane is nausea. This is mostly caused by motion sickness plus altitude sickness. People who have difficulty adapting to high altitudes will most likely experience headaches, dizziness and vomiting. If you do find yourself feeling dizzy after the flight then try to find some ginger. Tea and ginger ale works great in giving relief to those experiencing nausea.

Exercising Can Prevent Jet Lag

Performing some exercises before flight not only helps burn off calories but can also ready your body to the change in time zone. Specifically, try working out at a specific time a few days before flight. Working out in the afternoon is a good method of readying your body for the shift in time zone.

Once you have arrived in your destination try and walk around the area for half an hour or so before resting to help your body adapt. Continue this simple workout daily and your body will be eased into the new environment without causing any negative side effects.

Jet lag is a common occurrence with travelers but that does not mean that you should just accept it. There are many ways to combat its effects. Above are just a few full-proof methods that you can do. Eating bananas are also known as jet lag remedies so keep that in mind. Remember to be mindful of your health when traveling and enjoy your trip.