Lose Weight Travelling by Beating that Binge Due to Jet Jag

Lose Weight Travelling by Beating that Binge Due to Jet Jag

Have you ever observed that jet lag can make you very hungry as well as exhausted? Now scientists have an answer for the reason why you overeat when you are on vacation. When you travel the bacteria that is present in your belly decreases. New studies have discovered that the microbiome in your belly which is the group of bacteria that live within your body and is supposed to aid you with all of your issues from mood to digestion, lives under a schedule.

Lose Weight Travelling by Beating that Binge Due to Jet JagOnce you disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm you disrupt your flora of your gut. When the bacteria isn’t pleasant, nobody is pleasant. But is also causes you to gain weight.

This stands to reason why people who have their sleep cycles disrupted constantly or continually often times end up with obesity or other complications with your metabolism.

Hopefully this discovery might lead to a way to treat these problems in the future, whether they are medical or behavioral if they are trying to deal with crazy schedules. Treating these issues may help people with these problems stay healthy by trying to keep their microbiome healthy.

While you are trying, here are some things to try to diminish the symptoms caused by jet lag or other things that cause sleep cycles to be different from the norm.

1. Keep things simple. The primary thing that you might do to help yourself would be to keep things as easy as possible. Don’t do something that doesn’t need to be. Try to reschedule large meeting, don’t have any big parties, stay away from sugar and try not to eat large meals until the body can adjust to the local time zone. Your adjustment time is different for everyone for you should really know how your body reacts to the time zone changes. People react differently and can handle sleep deprivation better than others can.

Lose Weight Travelling by Beating that Binge Due to Jet Jag2. Drink lots of water. Drink as much water as you can so you can stay well hydrated while on the airplane. Don’t eat much and try to eat frequently so your digestive tract will keep moving and not be overtaxed. Try to take small naps. Also get your flu shot if it’s the proper time of the year.

3. Exercise may be the answer. Make sure you are ready for your trip by having an exercise routine in place so you will stick with it during your travels. Try to walk soon upon your arrival and hopefully take it outside where you can be exposed to light and hopefully the sun will be out. Ordinary sunlight may be the most important tools we may have to reset our clocks.

4. Think about taking probiotic supplements. This will fortify the immune system if you take them while you are on your trip. It might be good for traveler’s tummy. More research should be done to support this connection between jet lag and weight, but you may as well take the supplement because it won’t hurt and should most likely help.

Reduce Jet Lag Naturally

Reduce Jet Lag Naturally

Jet lag can be extremely draining even though it is something all business travelers must deal with. Jet lag occurs when a difference between your own internal clock and the time zone you are in occurs. Melanie DesChatelets says travelers usually experience this when traveling through five time zone or more.

The body’s circadian clock lets out particular hormones at certain times of during the day. Hormones like these control sleep, body temperature, and some other processes. If the hormones are misaligned with whatever time zones you travel through, you possibly could experience problems such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, trouble concentrating and fatigue. Even though DesChatelets mentions these symptoms usually subside after a day or two, that doesn’t really help while you’re trying to stay awake during an important meeting with a client.

Reduce Jet Lag NaturallyActually, there are a few things that can be done to help conquer jet lag. Six tips are here that you can try for controlling jet lag naturally.

1. Before you take off, try to reset your own body clock- Try to delay or advance your sleep for a couple days prior to going away in or to allow your internal clock to begin adjusting to whatever the new time change will be. Try going to bed an hour or so earlier if you are going east and waiting an hour or so if you are going west.

This may be able to help your internal clock to coordinate with your new time easier and hopefully you will fall asleep quicker.

2. Adjust your watch as you depart. – If you change your watch before you board the plane, you may suffer less with the time changes.

3. Keep Melatonin with you if you’re travelling eastward. – Even though sleeping pills will have you falling asleep quickly, they may cause dehydration which may make you feel worse than symptoms of jet lag. Melatonin is naturally released from pineal glands prior to sleeping. It is among the sleep cycle hormones which make you tired at night. If you are traveling, think about ingesting three milligrams melatonin a couple of hours prior to bedtime to aid in resetting your sleep cycle rhythm that may have gotten disrupted with the time zone change. Unlike sleep medicines, if taken in quantities that are small, melatonin is non-addictive, safe and nontoxic.

Reduce Jet Lag Naturally4. Go outdoors- In order for your body to adjust with a new time period, you should get out first thing for some sun. Sunlight has an effect on your internal sleep cycle so if you should get as much sunlight as you can.

5. If you are flying west, you should utilize light therapy. – Even though you may be tired in the early evening if you are flying west, you should try to stay up without letting yourself fall asleep until a normal evening hour. Excessive caffeine will interrupt your circadian rhythm so try to use bright light to keep yourself awake. Keep curtains open and bright lights working in your hotel room so you can have a bright light as long as possible.

6. Keep distractions to a minimum. – Jet lag plus disrupted sleep equals disaster. Make sure you can get some uninterrupted sleep once you lay down for the night. Use earplugs and eye mask to make it easier to stay asleep but be sure you will be able to wake to your alarm.

Seven Tips to Help with Jet Lag

Seven Tips to Help with Jet Lag

People don’t get to fly overseas everyday so when they get the chance, they want to make the most of it. They are so excited they don’t think about the jump across time zones that happens and what it will do to their body. It may take a few days for your internal clock to catch up but while you are waiting you may experience a disruption of your wake and sleep cycle which is called jet lag. Some symptoms may show up as tiredness during waking hours, insomnia during sleep hours, confusion, poor concentration, hunger in the middle of the night, irritability along with general malaise. Here are some excellent was to attack jet lag.

1. Your clock inside your body needs to be adjusted

Several days prior to your departure, start changing your eating and sleeping times to get closer and closer to what it will be where you are headed. When you get there, you should be somewhat close to the local time as far as your routine is concerned

2. Try to get your flight overnightSeven Tips to Help with Jet Lag

If you can get the flight overnight, you will be able to eat your dinner at the proper time and you will be able to sleep much easier than if you were flying in the middle of the day. It may be easier to adjust your internal clock if you get to your final destination in the afternoon or morning.

3. Stay away from coffee

Avoid caffeine and overeating for about twelve hours prior, and also during, the flight. Caffeine may keep you from sleeping longer, it will keep you from getting a restful sleep once you try to sleep

4. Keep hydrated

You should try to consume a glass of water for each hour you will be in flight even though you may not be thirsty. Use your eye drops for your contact lenses if you have them and make sure they are clean before you fly. Keep moisturizing lotion and balm for your lips with you because of the dry air in flight.

5. Limit alcohol or avoid it entirely

Altitude changes and dry cabin air tends to make passengers drink more and the alcohol content affects you more during flight. Actually, one drink while flying is comparable to twice as much while on land. You may end up drunk, hungover or both which will make the effects of jet lag that much worse.

6. Is Melatonin the answer?Seven Tips to Help with Jet Lag

Supplements such as melatonin may be a great alternative to prescription sleep aids. Since this supplement is what our body uses to adjust our sleep cycles, it may not be a bad choice. Some scientists feel that if you take at least three milligrams prior to sleeping after you get to your destination, it may help you adjust to your new sleep cycle much easier.

7. Get some fresh air

Once you arrive at your destination, try to get as much outside physical activity as possible. Try to get out into the sunlight and soak in the rays. If your body feels the sun and sees the light, it will hasten the adjustment of your internal clock and you will adjust to your new time zone much quicker.

Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments: Jet Lag

Jet lag happens when a mismatch happens between a person’s normal circadian rhythm and the routine changes that occur at a new destination because of traveling across several time zones. It may make a person feel tired when they should be awake or make them not able to sleep when it is night. It always seems to be worse when you travel eastward than when you travel westward.

Jet Lag Causes

Symptoms of jet lag don’t occur when you travel from north to south or south to north. It only happens when you change time zones and affects your daily routine. Usually you need to travel through more than two zones to have significant effects on your body.

The Perfect Jet Lag DietOur internal clock is located in the lower part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This organ gets signals from eyes that tell it whether it is dark or light. Hormones are released based on that information that will make you sleepy or alert. Melatonin gets released when it is dark. An increase in melatonin will cause you to be sleepier. If you turn on the lights you can quickly stop the release of melatonin.

Traveling through time zones will cause everything in the world to happen with the wrong timing. Eventually your body will adjust to these changes but it may take a few days. This time of adjustment is called jet lag.

Complications and symptoms of Jet Lag

The major symptom that occurs during jet lag is that everything feels like it is taking place at inopportune times. Bedtime and mealtime is either too late or too early depending on which way you traveled. Your body begins to adjust quickly upon arrival but it does take time depending on how many time zones you traveled through.

Many common symptoms that occur during jet lag are as follows:The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

• Diarrhea and constipation

• Upset stomach

• Frequent waking during sleep

• Irritability

• Impaired judgement


• Difficulty concentrating

• Fatigue

• Apathy

• Daytime sleepiness

Jet lag is actually a nuisance but it can have complications. Woman may see a disruption in their monthly menstrual cycle if they fly often. Peptic ulcer symptoms may also worsen due to jet lag. The stomach secretes acid when the body thinks it is time to eat and if no food is taken in, the acid can become corrosive. Diabetics should also seek guidance from their physician about how the time change will affect their insulin schedule.

Prevention of Jet Lag

Try to get your body to adjust to what your new hours are going to be at your destination before you even leave. Try to wake and sleep at the times you will be doing that at your destination. Do this slowly a couple of days before you leave. This will help your body to adjust quicker to the new time zones.

Some other suggestions that may help reduce the effects of jet lag are as follows:
• Eat frequent small meals and eat lightly with foods such as vegetables and fruit
• Drink lots of water
• Try to get ample sleep before you travel
• Try not to drink caffeinated or alcoholic drinks
• Take a nap if you feel tired
• Wear comfortable, loose clothing
• Get exercise on the plane during flight where possible

The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

Is it possible to fly across the country and be able to handle the different time zones? Can you have your body and brain set for the new time zone?

When you need to feel great and not be worried about the change in the time, you need to know how to eat and drink the right foods. That way you can kill that meeting with a new client, enjoy you vacation, or just feel well whenever you fly.The Perfect Jet Lag Diet

Tens of thousands of people have tried this diet and almost every one found it to be highly effective. After years of research, a working system has been developed that reset your body’s rhythms. When the body’s circadian rhythms are messed up and not in sync with the environment around you, the symptoms of jet lag occur.

This temporary physical and mental dysfunction occurs and your body can’t adjust quickly enough. The plan is designed to help your body make abrupt shifts in its cycles to prepare for the departure. When you are traveling over multiple time zones, it may be necessary to utilize the plan for longer to help your body adjust to the huge change.

To determine how many days you will need to utilize this diet, you need to know how many time zones you will be crossing. For example, for trips within the United States, you should only need to use the diet for two days. However, if you plan on traveling out of the country, you will need to utilize the plan for four days.

The plan alternates the times that you eat and the times that you fast. It works like this:

  • The Perfect Jet Lag DietFind when breakfast time is at your destination and then begin your diet for the allotted amount of days before you arrive. Caffeinated drinks or alcohol should only be drank between three and five. Eat all meals at their regular time. On the first day eat a diet that includes a breakfast and lunch high in protein and a dinner high in carbohydrates.
  • Day two’s diet should include light meals that don’t include lots of fats, calories, and carbohydrates.
  • On the third day, repeat the diet of your first day.
  • On the departure day and the fourth day, you will fast again. Be sure to only consume caffeinated beverages between 6 pm and 11 pm if traveling eastward and in the morning if travelling westward. Avoid drinking alcohol on the plane.
  • Have a breakfast that is high in protein at the breakfast time of your destination. If you take a nap before breakfast and then eat all of your meals on schedule.

These tips will give your body the ability to effectively modify its sleep cycle and help you avoid the symptoms of jet lag.

Jet Lag: Things You Need to Know

Things You Need To Know To Reduce and Prevent Jet Lag

You may have to travel for work or for fun. Either way, if you experience jet leg it is not fun. Jet leg is a condition that is usually temporary where your body’s sleep cycle is disturbed because you have traveled into a different time zone. The body is used to going to sleep the same time each day but because the time in the new location is not the same, the body is ready for sleep at inappropriate times. This is especially true if the amount of light changes.

When your body sees it getting dark, it releases a hormone that induces sleep. When you are used to it getting dark at seven and then go to a different time zone, you may find your body is messed up. There are several symptoms that people with jet lag experience.


Some of the symptoms that a person with jet lag would experience includes gastrointestinal irritation, daytime fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches. Most people also experience a sick feeling which can ruin any vacation or make it really hard to nail that meeting with an important client.

What can be done?

When your brain reacts to the light from the eye and releases the hormone to make you sleepy, it causes a lot of issues for those that travel. There are some things that can be done to prevent the symptoms from being severe.

  1. Make a plan

If you think about how your body will react to the different time zones, you can do some things to help prevent the symptoms from affecting you. Before your trip, you want to get the proper amount of sleep, exercise three days a week, and eat a diet that is healthy and balanced. Plan on arriving at your destination early so that you can give your body time to adjust. You can also adjust your sleep schedule to match the time zone of your destination.


There are also some things that you can do during your flight to help reduce the effects of jet lag. If you keep hydrated by drinking lots of water and eliminating caffeine or alcohol from your diet, it will help with the symptoms of jet lag. During a long trip, you want to make sure that you get up and move around when it is safe. That way you will avoid blood clots from developing and decrease the chance of soreness due to sitting in the same position for long periods of time.

If these don’t help, you may need to consider taking medication or talking to your doctor. She will be able to help you deal with the symptoms so that you can handle the change in time.

You can start to feel better when you get to your destination, but you have to make sure that you handle the time differences effectively so that your body has time to adjust.

Tips for Fighting Fatigue

Tips for Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue means you are feeling lethargic, sleepy, lacking energy and tired. Tips that can fight fatigue include limiting caffeine, drinking water in large quantities, getting ample sleep and making your diet better. Physical exercise and activity help beat fatigue as well. Fatigue might have medical reasons also so talk to your doctor. Fatigue may also be just a sign of anxiety, grief, stress or depression. Also fatigue might be feeling weary, tired, or lacking energy that won’t leave even though you rest. Many people get fatigued in either your mind or your body.

Often, fatigue may be due to some of your routines or habits. It can be just a normal response of physical exertion, emotional stress, eating habits, boredom, or possibly not enough sleep. Sometimes, however, it may be a sign of some underlying medical condition that needs medical treatment. If fatigue does not go away after a good night’s sleep, less stress, and good nutrition then it may need to be checked out by a doctor.

Tips that may help boost your levels of energy and beat fatigue

Tips for Fighting FatigueMost likely you have an idea what is the cause of your fatigue. You may be able to put vitality back into your life by making just a few easy changes in your lifestyle. Think about these ways you may be able to increase your level of energy.

Dietary suggestions that can help you fight fatigue

Check over your diet – This is a very important thing to do if you would like to have your energy increase:

  • Drink lots of water – You may be tired just because you may be slightly dehydrated. A drink of water may help you feel better, especially after heavy exercise.
  • Watch your caffeine – If you are tired the first thing you should do is stop using caffeine. It is best to stop drinking them gradually (including tea, coffee, and cola) over three weeks. Try to keep off caffeine entirely for at least a month and see if it makes you less tired.
  • Eat breakfast – Proper food increases your metabolism and helps give your body energy. The brain needs to get fuel from glucose, so pick carb-rich foods for breakfast including cereals and whole grain bread.
  • Try not to skip meals – If you skip meals for very long, the levels of your blood sugar will drop. Attempt regular meals to keep your energy level consistent during the entire day.
  • Eat healthy – Try to eat more vegetables, fruit, dairy that is low in fat, wholegrain foods, as well as meats that are lean for your diet. Lower the number of high sugar, high fat, as well as foods high in salt.
  • Don’t overeat – big meals may reduce your energy. Try to eat six small meals instead of three large meals so that your calorie intake will be more even. This will cause more constant levels of insulin and blood sugar. You may also think it is simpler to stop extra body fat from accumulating on your body if you continue to eat in this way.
  • Eat foods rich in iron – In particular, women are susceptible to anemia (iron deficiency), which may cause fatigue. Try to ensure that your diet has foods rich in iron that includes red meat.

Sleep suggestions that may fight fatigueTips for Fighting Fatigue

One common cause for fatigue may be not getting enough sleep, as well as poor sleep quality. Some suggestions may be:

  • Get more sleep – some of us get hurt by sleep problems, but lots of people may not get sleep they may need to stay awake throughout the day. Some thoughts on sleeping well may include going to bed consistently day and night, avoid naps during the day, and try a nice shower or bath prior to bed
  • Lower caffeine – consuming caffeine later towards evening may cause insomnia. Try to lower your caffeine intake to less than five per day. Avoid drinks once you have eaten dinner.
  • Learn to relax – One cause for insomnia is worrying about problems once you have gone to bed. Try different techniques for relaxation until you think there is one that works. For example, think of something restful or concentrate on breathing, or quietly repeat something like a calming phrase or mantra.
  • Try not to take sleeping pills – Pills will not solve the problem long term because the causes of the insomnia is not addressed.

Tips for Kicking Jet Lag’s Butt

Tips for Kicking Jet Lag’s Butt

Our body has different rhythms for different things during one day such as sleeping and eating. If you are experiencing symptoms of jet lag, these rhythms can get seriously out of sync. Jet lag occurs when you travel across many time zones rapidly which will cause major changes in our body. You may experience symptoms of indigestion, extreme fatigue, along with appetite changes, bowel problems, concentration and memory issues and a general feeling of malaise.

Traveling to the west makes jet lag easier than traveling to the east. Going east makes your body think it should be sleeping when it is awake. Studies have shown that is usually takes a whole day for each time zone we cross for our body to adjust to these changes.

Here are 14 tips you should consider if you are going to travel over multiple time zones.

Tips for Kicking Jet Lag's Butt1. If you are a person with a rigid schedule you need to change your eating and sleeping habits prior to traveling. Try to be more flexible a few weeks before your expected date of departure.

2. Do not attempt to stay awake all night so you will sleep on the plane. This will actually make the symptoms much worse so make sure you are well rested before you fly.

3. Slowly begin to adjust your habits to be closer to the times at your destination.

4. Try to schedule your plane times so you arrive at your destination during the day so you will feel like staying awake.

5. Use layovers to further adjust your body to the new time changes.

6. Do not drink alcohol while flying. It will cause your body to dehydrate and will make you more tired. You also may end up with a hangover on top of jet lag symptoms once you arrive.

7. If you must schedule your flight for a night time arrival, don’t drink beverages with caffeine during flight so you will be ready to sleep once you get to your destination. This way you can adjust to your new time zone quicker.

8. Don’t take medication for sleep if you can help it. They won’t reduce the symptoms of jet lag and they will make you feel depressed and logy once you arrive.

Tips for Kicking Jet Lag's Butt9. Set your clocks and watches to your new destination time once you arrive at the airport. This will begin to mentally prepare you for your new time zone.

10. Try to exercise as quickly upon arrival as you can. The more you move, the quicker you will reduce symptoms of jet lag. It is better to do this outside in the sunshine as well.

11. Try to eat your normal meals at the times of your new destination a few days before you leave for your trip. This may mean eating breakfast in the middle of the night. Anything you can do to make your body adjust to your new time zone will ease your symptoms of jet lag.

12. Get as much sunshine or daylight as possible. It will release hormones to allow you to adjust quicker to your new time zone changes.

13. During flight, make sure you get up and move around. Get your blood flowing so you can increase your endorphins. You may have to some jumping in the bathroom if you don’t want to be seen but do whatever you have to do to move your body during flight.

14. Try to sleep as much as you normally do once you get to your destination. That may mean taking a short nap the first few days until you adjust to your new time zone.

15. Don’t drink alcohol during your flight or before you plan on flying.

What you need to know about jet lag

What you need to know about jet lag

Traveling across time zones is one of the main reasons people experience jet lag. If you are traveling from west to east, it is worse. If you have a child younger than three, they won’t usually be affected because they usually don’t have a set schedule and adapt well to changes. If you are an adult that can easily adapt, you won’t suffer as much either. On the other hand, if you are dead set on your wake and sleep times and have a definite schedule, you may have problems with jet lag.

What you need to know about jet lagYour condition before flying

If you begin your vacation stressed, excited, over-tired, hungover, or nervous, you may end up with a large case of suffering from jet lag. Many travelers thing they can catch up while they are flying but that isn’t the case. A smart traveler will make sure they start their trip well rested so they are bright and chipper the morning of the flight.

Atmospheric conditions

The air on most airplanes is usually extremely dry and this can be very annoying to passengers who are used to humid conditions. This dry air can cause dry skin, headaches and dry throat and nasal membranes. It is also ideal for spreading germs that can cause colds, coughs, the flu or sore throats. Try to drink large amounts of water prior to take-off and carry one with you on the plane. Most airlines give water often to flyers, while other only have water fountains next to toilets. It isn’t recommended to drink tea, coffee, fruit juice or alcoholic drinks during flight. Water is still the best thing for your body.

Cabin pressure and Stale air

Cruising altitude for most aircraft is 30,000 feet and most cabins remain pressurized at 8,000 feet. This may still cause problems for passengers unless you are used to living at 8,000 feet by becoming tired, lethargic, or experience swelling of the hands and feet. The air on the plane is often recycled stale air since it is expensive for airlines to supply constant fresh air. Believe it or not, the air in first class and business class is better than is superior to economy. This may cause headaches to the unfortunate people in the lower class cabins but if you ask your flight attendant, they will probably increase the good air.


What you need to know about jet lagAlcohol is two or three times stronger when you are flying than when you are on land. That means that one glass of an alcoholic beverage will affect you like you had two or three. It is very easy to end your flight feeling quite hungover which will make the problems of jet lag much worse.

Food and drink

The tea and coffee you receive in the air really doesn’t taste that great and it also usually has a higher content of caffeine than normal. Both can cause stomach upset as well as orange juice if your body isn’t used to it. Don’t try to drink any of these if your body isn’t used to them. If it is at all possible, try to forego the in-flight meals because your body really doesn’t need them. Your stomach usually is exposed to extra pressure from the seat best and the cramped spaces so eating will only compound the problem. Many international flights serve food your body may not be accustomed to so it is advisable to stay away from them entirely. WHO states that 50% of the travelers that fly international end up with some kind of stomach upset.

Lack of exercise

One major problem with long flights is the lack of proper exercise. It usually causes discomfort during flight and causes problems with extended jet lag later on. Try to stretch during your flight, especially with your legs and try to find a way to elevate your feet for some of the trip. If there are layovers, leave the plane and get some walking in or calisthenics. If you have a long layover, try to use the shower to freshen up. It will also get your blood moving and tone your muscles.

You Can Beat Jet Lag

You Can Beat Jet Lag

If you get just a couple of hours sleep while you are on a transatlantic flight you should be able to function the day that you arrive. Anyone who goes through many time zones usually has to deal with your body’s biorhythmic confusion called jet lag. If you are going from the United States to Europe you may change your wristwatch forward six hours. Your body gets confused and doesn’t know how to react. Your body doesn’t like change and has a hard time changing. Your body is used to its 24 hour time schedule. Now your body is telling you to eat when you should be sleeping and then will want to sleep when you should be working.

You Can Beat Jet LagMost people just assume the first day of your vacation after a long flight will be worthless because of jet lag. Don’t sell yourself short. Many people can enjoy productive first days and may even be hyper. You can’t stop jet lag from happening but if you follow these guidelines you can lessen the symptoms.

Make sure you leave on your vacation well rested. It can be very stressful to fly across many time zones. If you end up having a party before you leave or are frazzles because you are stressed you will probably end up sick for the beginning of your trip. Usually a cold early on in the trip is very normal but there is something you can do to stop it.

Trick your body into thinking that you are leaving a couple days earlier than you actually are planning on leaving. Don’t have anything planned for this time period and make sure everything is done and you are ready to go 46 hours ahead of time. Mentally you will be prepared for leaving and you can peacefully start your trip stress free. You will leave on your vacation full of energy and 100 percent able to enjoy all of the excitement that awaits you on your trip.

You Can Beat Jet LagThink about well-known jet lag remedies. It never is a good idea to promote medicine as an everyday remedy but taking Ambien as a sleep aid is probably a good choice when it comes to combating jet lag. If you can get at least seven hours nightly while you are away, you will be able to adjust better to the local time where you are vacationing. If you do this, you will not be too tired to stay awake until the correct bedtime and you will be able to adjust and get over jet lag much quicker.

Ambien does cause side effects and is habit forming so make sure you check with your physician before taking them and make sure you stick to the instructions carefully.

Bottom Line. One of the top things you can do is make sure you leave the house well rested and stress free. You need to force your body into the time zone you will be vacationing in by acting like you are there already. If you follow all of the guidelines that were suggested, you may be able to enjoy yourself the minute you get off the airplane.