Naturo Pharm Jet Lag Relief Tablets Review

Welcome to a review of Jet Lag Relief Tablets produced by Naturo Pharm. The product is a remedy for disturbances of sleep connected to jet lag. It assists in a recovery from long distance travels, as well as restores the sleeping cycle. Read on if you want to get to know more about different features of the product.




Jet Lag Relief Tablets is a homeopathic product. It means that it is safe to use for people any age, also for children.

The active homeopathic ingredients are:

  • Aconite 60x,
  • Arnica 24x 60x,
  • Bellis Perennis 12c,
  • Chamomile 60x
  • Coffea Crud 24x


The producer recommends 2 pills per dose prior to the flight and every 2 hours during it (in case one doesn’t sleep) as well as after landing, if it’s required. The recommendation states also to suck capsules for 1-2 minutes before swallowing. It is advisable to use non-alcoholic refreshments during the flight as well as to do exercises what is supposed to boost the effectiveness of the medicine.

PLEASE NOTE: as the product is a homeopathic remedy, you should keep in mind that unlike other drugs, you should cease taking it when the symptoms of the jet lag start disappearing. If symptoms remain for a long time, despite taking the medicine or they worsen, one should immediately stop using the product and consult the doctor.

Side Effects

There is no information about the side effects. Considering the non-invasive nature of the drug, it is quite possible that none of such are likely to occur. Although, like it was mentioned before, the producer assumes the possibility of jet lag symptoms to worsen. In such a case there is a need of immediate healthcare specialist consultation.


The product is being sold for approx. $13.8. The price contains already a 13% discount, as the value of the medicine was estimated on $15.9. The cost is higher than in the case of many others jet lag remedies which are synthetic. As for the homeopathic treatment which are usually more costly, the indicated price seems reasonable.


There is no information about a guarantee related to this product. It raises a concern on the effectiveness of the remedy and will definitely not convince people who are reluctant to buy homeopathic products per se. In addition, the product has not earned any review so far, hence many potential clients can be discouraged to buy it.


The biggest advantage of the product is that it helps combating jet lag in a natural way, stimulating our bodies to work more efficiently. It does not contain any hormones or other invasive products and can be used by the whole family, even by children. The price of the medicine is reasonable and should not constitute a dilemma for an average client. On the other hand, the dosage is quite complicated, as one is obliged to take many pills at short intervals. The lack of  a guarantee and client reviews also raises a concern of its efficiency and will not gain the product many customers.

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Ocean Health Melatonin Review

This is the review of Melatonin Tablets produced by Ocean Health company. According to the producer’s description, the product is specifically designed as a remedy for jet lag. It is supposed to alleviate the symptoms of this issue which are sleep deprivation and tiredness among others. For more information, please read the review below.




The Ocean Health Melatonin contains only one active ingredient, namely melatonin, which is a brain hormone regulating the sleep cycle.

The manufacturer puts the accent on the fact that it is a „pure melatonin”, hence there is no information about any others, even inactive ingredients.

It is highlighted though that the product is vegetarian and free of all common allergens, artificial colors or flavors, hormones and antibiotics.


The product is intended only for adults. The recommended daily dose is 1 pill half an hour before the bedtime or before the plane boarding in case of long flights causing jet lag. Your doctor can indicate another dosage, if so, you should follow the doctor’s instructions.

1 capsule of the medicine contains 3 mg of melatonin which is the most common dose, suggested by the vast majority of producers.

Side Effects

The producer does not indicate any side effects of the product, although melatonin can cause some, as it is known from other sources. Among them are: daytime sleepiness, headaches and dizziness, anxiety, irritability, depressed mood. Keep it in mind while using the product and in case you are affected by any of the above mentioned, cease the usage and contact your doctor immediately.


The client cannot find the price on the producer’s website, but in various on-line shops it reaches approx. $20 – 27. This makes the product very pricey, especially when we take into consideration that it contains 3 mg of the hormone, just like many other means in this kind, while they cost only a couple of dollars. What’s more, the product’s package contains only 60 capsules, while it is possible to find products having almost the same composition, but sufficient for twice more time and at least 3 times cheaper.


There is no information that the product has a guarantee of the producer. Considering the high price, it must be worrying for many potential customers. It is even more disturbing as there are no reviews of the drug, hence we cannot have any credible information on its efficiency.


There are no doubts that the Ocean Health’s product can be the right remedy for sleeping problems connected to jet lag. It contains pure melatonin in a dose high enough to feel its effect, but still low enough to ensure that the occurrence of side effects is unlikely. It is also vegetarian product, free from allergens and synthetic preservatives what makes it safe to use for a variety of people. The most serious downside is the price which is considerably higher compared to other jet lag treatment means. Also, acknowledging the lack of any reviews and guarantee of the producer, the product shipment might turn into a gamble.

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Vitamin Shoppe Melatonin Review

We kindly invite you to read the review of Melatonin Tablets manufactured by Vitamin Shoppe. The product is designed for people struggling with sleep deprivation. One can be caused by many different factors, including – very common nowadays – jet lag. If you want to find out more about the nature of the product, its dosage and other important features, read on the review below.




The product contains melatonin (3 Mg per capsule) which is a brain hormone responsible for regulation of the sleep cycle.

Other ingredients:

Rice flour


PLEASE NOTE: it is free from many common allergens like: Corn, Dairy Products, Fish, Gluten, Salt, Soy, Sugar, Wheat and Yeast. It allows the product to be included also in a gluten-free diet.


The producer advices to take one capsule a day, namely, before the bedtime. Each dose serves with 3 mg of melatonin which appears to be a reasonable amount, as the advisory measure is between 1 and 5 mg in one dose.

Side Effects

The manufacturer does not mention any possible side effect on the website, although he calls for a medical consultation if a person is pregnant, nursing or is having a depression. The product is also not designed for children below the age of 12. Driving or operating heavy machines after using the product is strictly forbidden.

Despite of the lack of acknowledgement of possible side effects on the website of the producer, they are commonly known. They include daytime sleepiness, headaches and dizziness. Also, less likely, anxiety, irritability, confusion or even short-lasting feelings of depression may occur.


The price of the product on the manufacturer website is established on $7.99. It is a medium price in the category of jet lag treating supplements. What is worth to note however, is a large size of the container (120 capsules) which is sufficient for at least 4 months.


The producer does not provide any guarantee for the used product. Only not used containers can be returned up to 30 days from the day of the purchase, on a usual website’s return policy. It might be a concern for customers willing to buy an effective and safe product without worrying about the waste of money.

The product’s rate is fairly high (4.3/5) but the amount of reviews is inconsiderable. It shows that the product has not gained much audience yet and it is hard to assess its most important features, like effectiveness and safety.


The capsules appear to be a well-designed solution to sleep deprivation caused by jet lag and other reasons. The right dose of melatonin and minimalist approach by reducing unnecessary ingredients should assure the product’s effectiveness. A huge plus is that the product is basically allergens free, so it can be used by a variety of people with allergic problems. However, the capsules can have a wide range of side effects. More disturbing is that the manufacturer did not include this information in the description of the product. Another disadvantage is the lack of the guarantee what endues the medicine to be impossible to return in case it’s not effective.

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TriSorb Melatonin Fast Dissolves Strawberry Review

Here you can find a review of Melatonin Fast Dissolves Strawberry tablets by TriSob. You can use this product if you struggle with jet lack or experience sleeplessness caused by other factors (shift work for example). The tablets will regulate your circadian rhythm, which was interrupted by changing time zones or working during the night. If you are interested in this product, please, keep reading.




The only active ingredient is melatonin in a dosage of 10 mg per one capsule. The hormone is necessary to coordinate the body’s sleep cycle. Melatonin is secreted during the night and staying awake regularly and for a long time or long-distance travels can breach this process. Therefore the hormone has to be supplied to the body, in the form of tablets for example, to grant you with a good sleep.

Inactive ingredients: Dextrose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Croscarmellose Sodium, Crospovidone, Artificial Flavor (Strawberry), Beet Juice Color, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Sucralose.

The product is allergen-free, suitable for people who are allergic to: milk, eggs, gluten, fish, shellfish, nuts, tree nuts.


Take one tablet approx. 20 minutes before the bedtime. Put it on your tongue and let it resolve. It will ensure better results.

The TriSorb product is different than most of jet lag treatment capsules. It contains 10 mg of melatonin in one serve, what is a noticeable amount. What is more, it is provided with Fast Dissolve Mechanism which causes an immediate absorption of the hormone. The producer claims that the pill will dissolve in a few seconds after placing it on the tongue and melatonin will land directly in the bloodstream, without engaging gastric enzymes and awaiting the result.

To make the process more plausible, capsules are provided with strawberry flavor.

Side Effects

Any side-effects are not indexed on the label, although there is a long list of restrictions applying to the usage of the product. It is intended only for adults and not allowed to use in any other moment than prior to the bedtime. Driving, operating heavy machinery or drinking alcohol is forbidden, while taking the product. Also, the usage for a period longer than 2 months in a row in not advised.

People, having a medical condition or taking medications, as well as pregnant and nursing women should always contact the professional before the usage. If you have any doubts if the product is suitable for you, please contact the health care specialist.


Currently, the product costs $23.99 with the note that the previous price was $29.99. It means that there is a 20% discount ($6). This is the final price as Amazon granted the product with free-shipping.


The product is sold without the guarantee. Also, the fact that product has only one review might be worrying for many clients.


TriSorb Melatonin Fast Dissolves Tablets are a very convenient way to combat jet lag and similar issues. Its quick absorption, as well as plausible flavor, make it a great choice  for people disliking or having troubles swallowing. It is also very likely that the medicine works much faster than others, as it is served directly to the bloodstream. However, we cannot be 100% sure about it, as the number of reviews is very little. Also, a high dose of melatonin is not suitable for a vast group of people and requires a great attention while using it.

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88 Herbs Sleep-X Natural Sleep Supplement Review

This review of Sleep-X Natural Sleep Supplement will provide you with all the necessary information about the product, manufactured by 88 Herbs company. It is a natural remedy for jet lag, as well as an efficient sleep facilitator. If you are often obliged to make long-distance travels or work in shifts, the product will deal with your sleep disturbances. We encourage you to read further if you want to get familiar with the product.


The product contains many active ingredients:

  • Melatonin – the most important hormone influencing your sleep. It regulates the body’s circadian rhythm and keeps you asleep during the night.
  • L-Theanine – the amino-acid analogue with a positive influence on many reactions occurring in the human body. It also improves the quality of sleep.
  • Magnesium Bisglycinate – a type of magnesium that is very easily absorbed.
  • Passion Flower (20% Flavonoids) – it calms down and relaxes the body, ensuring a good sleep.
  • L Tryptophan – works along with melatonin to keep the body in a sound sleep.
  • 5 HTP – increases a chance for a fast sleep. Is connected to serotonin, which is the “happiness” hormone.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) – facilitates the reactions of other ingredients.

Sleep-X contains also other, inactive ingredients, such as: Mycrocrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, silicon dioxide.


1-2 capsules every day or according to the healthcare professional indications. Each capsule contains 1,5 mg of melatonin, but other ingredients also influence sleep, hence the product can be very effective.


The product costs $19.95. At the moment, no discounts are available. The price is higher than in case of common products with a greater dose of melatonin (3 mg), but Sleep-X has considerably richer composition in comparison to them.


88 Herbs doesn’t give a guarantee for this product, what is a bit concerning, but on the other hand, product’s reviews are outstanding. Their amount is low (only 5), but they all rate the product with 5 stars. Customers accent that the product is natural and has no side-effects, while it works quickly and brings long-awaited sleep. They compliment also the fact that it is easy to swallow and has only a slight taste, so taking it does not cause any discomfort. The medicine must have a powerful strength, as it cures insomnia caused by chronic back pain, what one of the reviewers shared in his description.


Sleep-X has a huge asset in being a natural product, as it contains only melatonin with some herbal extracts and amino acids. The composition ensures that any side-effects are not likely to occur, which is confirmed in customer reviews. The client’s opinion about the product is very positive. There was no single complaint about any factor of the medicine. Although, you should keep in mind that the number of reviews is not high and the product has no guarantee, so it might not work properly for you. In such a case you cannot demand a refund. Also, the price of the remedy is higher in comparison to other jet lag treatment means, although it is a cost many are willing to pay for excluding the possibility of side-effects.

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Food Science Of Vermont Melatonin-3 Review

We invite you to read the review of Melatonin-3, made by Food Science of Vermont corporation. It is a dietary supplement which supports the relaxed sleep and it is perfect for alleviating effects of jet lag and other types of sleep disturbances or insomnia. It is also encouraged to be taken by women during a menopause, as it facilitates the release of female reproductive hormones. Be sure that you won’t miss more information about the product and read the review below.



The most important ingredient is melatonin. It is a brain hormone, very important for our sleep, as it influences the body’s circadian rhythm. It is exactly the lack of melatonin that prevents us from sleeping. Therefore, insomnia can be easily combated by adding more hormone to the body, for example, by taking melatonin pills.

The product is very basic, it has only two other ingredients and they are: rice flour and gelatin.


Take 1 tablet every 1-2 hours prior to the bedtime, or follow your doctor’s instructions. Melatonin overdose can evoke severe side-effects, therefore you should not exceed recommended dose under any circumstances, unless it is a clear instruction of the health care specialist.


The product’s label doesn’t list any possible side-effects. Probably it’s caused by the assumption that 3 mg of the hormone is not enough for them to occur, what is a true in the vast majority of cases. However, some people are more prone to side effects of melatonin than others, this is why the usage is restricted under several circumstances.

The label warns that the product should not be taken by people under 18, pregnant or lactating women, persons with kidney maladies or taking drugs containing cortisone.


At the time, the product is offered with an attractive price of $13.35. It has a 33% discount, as earlier it cost $20.00. The box contains 120 capsules, that is sufficient for a long time, up to 4 months, even if used daily.


Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find any information about a guarantee provided for this product. It might be a little bit alarming, especially since the reviews of the product on are only a few and they are very peculiar. Only two clients decided to rate the product, one gave it 5 stars, while the other one, only 1 star. The first complemented its price and efficiency, while the second complained that the product hadn’t worked at all and admitted that other jet lag treatment products are more useful.


The Food Science of Vermont melatonin definitely has some upside points. It is relatively cheap, especially at the moment, while you can buy it with a discount. In addition, it doesn’t contain any unnecessary ingredients, just pure melatonin. Although, it seems like the product’s effect is very slow, what is an important detrimental factor. No one is willing to wait for the sleep for two hours after taking the drug. Probably this explains why one of the customers was so disappointed with the product.

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Stop Aging Now Dreamwell Melatonin Tablets Review

We kindly invite you to read the description of Dreamwell Melatonin Tablets, manufactured by Stop Aging Now. The product is engineered to combat sleep deprivation, caused by jet lag, as well, as other reasons. It ensures a relaxed sleep without breaks and lets you feel fully recovered in the morning. In the text below, we provide more information about the characteristics of the product.




Active ingredients:

  • Melatonin (3 mg) – brain hormone, regulating the sleep cycle. The producer assures that it is a high-quality, all-natural product, available as capsules with slow-release mechanism, what results in its optimal absorption throughout the whole night.
  • Calcium (63 mg) – relaxes the body, influences the REM phase of sleep cycle, what boost the quality of your night’s rest.


Take one capsule 30-60 minutes prior to the bedtime, it is also recommended to drink a full glass of water with it. One tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin what is a reasonable dose, similar to the most of jet lag treatment products. The thing which differentiates Dreamwell melatonin from others is the fact that it is released gradually during first 5 hours of the sleep, what ensures its safety and gives more optimum effect.


The producer claims that the medicine is a natural, non-habit forming product, hence  it comes with no risk of side effects or dependency. It is manufactured in the USA, in the FDA inspected facility, so it meets the stringent standards of this organization.

However, the usage of the product is still restricted. Nursing or pregnant women, people suffering from medical conditions or taking medications should consult the specialist prior to the usage.


The Amazon prepared a special deal for this product. You can purchase 2 containers for $29.90 what is $14.95 per bottle. It lets you save 17% in comparison to the single buy. What’s more, this is the final price, as the product will be shipped for free. This deal makes the purchase really profitable, as the price for one container is not higher than other let lag treatment products, which means that you can have a higher quality product for the cost of low quality one.


Dreamwell melatonin is a tax-free product and is provided in 356-day “any reason” guarantee. It means that you can return the product even after using  it and still receive a full refund. This is a very customer-oriented approach and makes the offer worth considering, despite the fact that there are only  2 reviews on the Amazon website.


Without any doubts, the guarantee, long-lasting and practically with no conditions, is the biggest asset of the product. It helps a hesitant customer to take a decision about the purchase without a single concern about the waste of money. Besides, this is a high quality medicine with natural and pure ingredients, as it is confirmed by the FDA. The attractive price deal allows you to try the high-end product paying no more than for an ordinary one. The only concern here might be actually the lack of reviews, but if we take into consideration that we can return inefficient product any time, we don’t lose anything trying it out.

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Wonder Laboratories Melatonin Review

Thank you for being interested in reading our review of Melatonin Fast Acting Dietary Supplement produced by Wonder Laboratories. If you are required to do long-distance travels and changing time zones is a normal point of your schedule, you probably struggle with jet lag. Wonder Laboratories Melatonin is a dietary supplement which will give you a fast and relaxed sleep and will help you to retrieve a regular circadian rhythm. Check out the review below to get familiar with the product.



The only active ingredient of these capsules is melatonin, a brain hormone regulating the sleep cycle. This is merely its main function, as it also influences the general mood, builds up the immune system and is a great anti-oxidant.

Other ingredients are: calcium carbonate, vegetable cellulose, vegetable magnesium silicate, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica.

The product is suitable for vegans and vegetarians, as well as for the gluten-free diet.


Take 1-2 tablets approx. 20 minutes prior to the sleep. Do not exceed the amount of 2 tablets per every 24 hours.  Each capsule contains 3 mg of pure and natural melatonin.


The producer assures that the tablets are a natural dietary supplement, therefore, can be taken without a risk of any side-effects. We don’t know if it is certainly true, because overdosed melatonin can evoke side-effects (like dizziness for example) itself, but we can be sure that this drug is safer than any prescription sleeping pills.

However, the label mentions several restrictions applied for the usage of this product. It is not advised to be taken by pregnant or nursing women, persons with autoimmune conditions or depressive disorders, as well as children under 16 years old.

It is also prohibited to drive and to operate machinery after taking the drug.


Amazon proposes an astonishing deal for this product. You can purchase it now for only $8.79 with the free shipping. It is a 55% discount in comparison to the regular price. It makes the product affordable for many, as it is cheaper than most of other jet lag treatment means.


Wonder Laboratories Melatonin doesn’t have a guarantee of the producer. Refunds won’t be accepted if you are not satisfied with the product. It might be a serious concern for many potential buyers.

The product has some reviews, which are very good, only that their amount is too little to find them truly credible in this case. If you decide to buy the product, it may not be effective for you.


The product is a natural remedy, suitable for vegans and vegetarians, as well, as for people on a gluten-free diet. Side-effects occurrence is hardly likely in case of this product, hence it’s safe to use for all people, unless they struggle with medical conditions. Another advantage is the enormous discount and the free shipping available at the moment. On the contrary, it is important to keep in mind that the producer doesn’t provide any guarantee, hence tablets are non-refundable. It also seems that it isn’t a top choice among people struggling with jet lag, as it has inconsiderable amount of reviews.

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PhysioLogics Melatonin Vegitabs Review

Welcome to our comprehensive review about Melatonin Vegitabs produced by PhysioLogics company. It is designed as a remedy for jet lag and mild insomnia, which can be caused by various reasons. 5 mg of melatonin in each capsule will bring you long, uninterrupted sleep and will make you feel rested every morning. Read the review below for more specific information about this product.




Melatonin Vegitabs have only one active ingredient what is melatonin in a dose of 5 mg per one capsule. Melatonin is a hormone necessary to give you a sound, long sleep, as it is the most important substance in your body regulating the sleep cycle.

Other ingredients:

Dicalcium Phosphate,

Cellulose (Plant Origin),


Can contain a trace amount of: Cellulose Coating, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.


The producer advices to take only one tablet prior to bedtime or another dose, which it is indicated by the health care specialist. Each capsule contains 5 mg of the hormone what is a considerable amount, that’s why it is suggested to not exceed this dose.


The producer warns that the pills can cause drowsiness. However, especially in the case of the overdosing, melatonin can evoke much more serious side-effects like: abdominal discomfort, mild anxiety, irritability, sometimes even the feeling of depression. That’s why it is crucial to not take more than 1 pill every 24 hours.

Melatonin can also interact with some medications, for example, diabetes treatment means or even birth control pills. Therefore, if you have a medical condition or take some other pills regularly, consult your doctor prior to the usage.

The product is not intended for children, as well as pregnant or nursing women. Drinking alcohol or driving after the use is prohibited.


The product costs $10.80, which is a very good price for the capsules containing 5 mg of melatonin. At the moment the shipment price is very low as well, only $0.19, hence the whole expense will not exceed $11. No other discounts are available at the moment.

One bottle contains 60 capsules what is enough for 2 months of the daily usage.


PhysioLogics product doesn’t have a guarantee, hence returning it back after the usage will not be possible. That is why we advise you to consider the purchase thoroughly.

The product has only one review left by the Amazon client, which rated it with 5 stars. The user admits that this is the only brand which brings her a restful sleep among several, she has tried already. Even though it is a very good recommendation, the number of reviews is too little to have a credible information about the product’s efficiency.


The PhysioLogics product is a jet lag remedy with a high dose of melatonin, therefore the efficiency of it is likely to be high. It is designed for vegans/vegetarians and can be used in a gluten-free diet as well, what makes it accessible for many people. The price and a discount for shipment are next big advantages of this product. However, the lack of guarantee and basically the lack of reviews make the purchase a bit hazardous, as we cannot be 100% sure about its efficiency.  In a case it’s low, we have no right to demand the refund.

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Vitamin Research Products Melatonin Review

It is the review of Melatonin Tablets manufactured by Vitamin Research Products company. The product is a dietary supplement which improves sleep patterns, adding more sleeping hormone to the body. It is advised to be used in a case of jet lag, but also other sleep disturbances which can occur. Please, keep reading if you are interested in getting more familiar with the product.




The product contains melatonin, which promotes healthy sleep without morning grogginess. In addition, it supports the immune system and is recommended for women struggling with menopause, as is influences women reproductive hormones. It also has an anti-oxidant effect.

Unfortunately, there is no information about any other ingredients.


Take one tablet before the bedtime, unless your doctor gave you other indications. One capsule contains 10 mg of melatonin, what is a high dose. Please, make sure you don’t use more than one capsule per 24 hours to avoid the overdosage.

In case of long-distance travels that increase the possibility of jet lag,  the producer advices to take the pill during the journey, or before bedtime at the new location.


The producer doesn’t list any possible side-effects, what is quite peculiar, since the dosage of the hormone is quite high. It only informs about initial drowsiness.

The most common melatonin side effects include daytime sleepiness, headache, dizziness. Others, less likely to occur, might include abdominal discomfort, mild anxiety, irritability, confusion and short-lasting feelings of depression. To avoid these effects, be sure to not exceed the recommended dose of one capsule per day, unless your doctor advised otherwise.

Usually, melatonin is forbidden for children. However, Vitamin Research Products company is not so strict about it. It allows to serve the product to children, but only after medical consultation.


The product costs $26.30 what is quite a high price. It might be justified thought by a high dose of melatonin it contains. Amazon is also offering a free shipment at the moment, what decreases the overall cost.


The producer does not provide a guarantee for this product. There are also no reviews. The general problem with this product is that there is no sufficient information available. The description contains some general information about melatonin itself and its effects, but not about the features of this particular drug, We couldn’t find a sufficient information also on other websites and the producer’s site was out of work. Therefore, we have no credible information about the efficiency of the product and we recommend caution for all the people interested in using it.


The product contains a high dose of melatonin, which will, most probably, make it very effective. At the moment, it can be purchased without expenses on the shipment, which decreases an overall cost significantly. The price however, is still quite high, which can be a serious trouble for some clients. The biggest downside of the product is insufficient description which makes an impression that the producer doesn’t treat the clients with the proper respect. The lack of information is very concerning and it may suggest that the producer compromises customers’ safety.

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