This is a review for JetZone Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy. This product is said to help with various symptoms associated with jet lag such as exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia and even moodiness.  The remedy is also advertised as being able to regulate a shaken up circadian rhythm and fight off the effects of fatigue. Keep on reading for a detailed description of the product.




The active ingredients of this medicine are:

  • Arnica Montana which helps with weariness and exhaustion
  • Cocculus Indicus which prevents headaches and somnolence
  • Kali Phosphoricum which prevents tiredness and headaches caused by fatigue
  • Gelsemium Sempervirens which helps with insomnia
  • Nux Vomica which prevents anxiety and heartburn
  • Argentum Nitricum which also prevents anxiety and nervousness

The inactive ingredients are: Sorbitol, Magnesium Stearate, Lactose and Starch. One notable detail regarding the contents of this product is the fact that except for Kali Phosphoricum all the other active ingredients are highly diluted, which makes us question the effectiveness of this remedy. The fact that it contains lactose could also be a problem for people who are intolerant or allergic to this ingredient.


The medicine is presented in the form of chewable tablets. It is recommended that children over the age of 6 and adults chew one tablet every two hours, starting an hour before taking off. The last tablet should be taken after landing. An interesting feature of this product when it comes to dosage is the fact that if you happen to fall asleep you don’t have to wake up just to take another tablet. You can simply restart taking it every two hours from the moment you wake up.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer claims that this remedy has no side effects and that there are no precautions that need to be taken into consideration when administering the medicine.


Although it is nowhere to be found on the official company website, after thorough research we found that the price for this product is $8.75. This includes 30 chewable tablets or just enough for 48 hours of flight, which makes it quite an affordable product. However, the low price can also mean a rather questionable quality of the used ingredients.


Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not mention anything about any kind of guarantee. Of course, this raises some concerns when it comes to the effectiveness of the product, despite the fact that the listed reviews on the company website are exclusively positive.


JetZone Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy is a 100% natural medicine especially designed to fight the way jet lag can affect the human body. When it comes to presentation and dosage things are as easy as they could be. Anyone could follow the instructions and apart from that, the chewable tablet really is a great idea considering the fact that the medication has to be taken while on a plane. Despite the product being affordable, its active ingredients are incredibly diluted, therefore less likely to be effective. Although the manufacturer claims that the product has no side effects, some lactose intolerant persons may argue against that. Moreover, the fact that there is no guarantee is equally concerning.

Click here to learn about our Top Jet Lag Treatment Products.